Welcome to the Blogging Brooke, I would first like to start off by thanking each of my viewers, you made this blogging experience one to remember. I was so happy to see the interactions with my blog posts and the nice comments that made me want to keep posting. However, I am saddened to say that this will be my last blog post. My film class has come to an end, therefore, The Blogging Brooke must come to an end as well. In this blog post, I will be talking about my experience taking my very first ever film class, and naming the different movies and short stories we watched as a class throughout the semester. This class taught me to recognize the little details that go into the making of a film, from the cinematography to the placement of the actors, and the makeup used to gain a feeling from the audience. I never realized before taking this class the entirety of what it takes to be an actor, director, videographer, editor etc. However, after taking this class, I am able to se...
Welcome to the Blogging Brooke, Today I would like to talk about the Netflix film called The Social Dilemma. I had already watched this documentary prior to this film class earlier on in the semester for my social media class. In this blog post, I will define my key takeaways from the film. First I will start off with how many dilemmas I was able to count in the film. At minute 6:40, Tristan Harris, a former Google design enthusiast and co-founder of the Center for Humane Technology, names 7 dilemmas. These seven include a cacophony of grievances and scandals, data stealing, tech addiction, fake news, political polarization, elections getting hacked. Cynthia Wong named a few more offline harm dilemmas including hate speech, manipulating public opinion, and inciting violence. There is also populism, mass chaos, and lack of trust. In total, I counted thirteen dilemmas. One in detail would be fake news. Fake news is always harmful to society. It causes p...